Joe Biden took center stage last week on the eve of his “100th day” in office.
We can thank FDR for such idiotic benchmarks. No one asked Washington what we hoped to accomplish in his first 100 days. That would have been an interesting question then, but as the president was never intended to be everything in chief, no one bothered to bring it up.
But FDR made it clear he wanted action and the United States needed action, or better yet the U.S. needed him.
Roosevelt rode in on his white limo and changed the United States forever. Lincoln did a lot of damage to the Constitution, but Roosevelt and his progressive predecessors weren’t to be outdone by Honest Abe.
Now, we have to ask every president what they hope to do in 100 days.
This is soft monarchy and the very thing the founding generation wished to avoid. Hamilton suggested they should just cut to the chase and create an American king. We’ve got it.
It’s why I dedicated an entire book to awful presidents, and why I made a class covering every man who has held the office. Joe Biden will be added when his time is up as President. You’ll get that lecture if you enroll in the course. I give you a lifetime membership for each class.
Biden’s address to Congress is one of the worst speeches ever presented to that body. It was longer than most in recent memory and full of slogans and platitudes that would be better suited for a campaign advertisement than a serious speech.
Biden fumbled and stumbled through the speech, talked about unconstitutionally expanding government in ways the founding generation–and almost every generation before World War II–would have seen as reckless, and pandered to his woke constituents.
If this is unity, give me division.
The left fawned all over the speech. We knew they would. I thought it was just another example of how low American politics has become.
We might as well elect The Rock. Politics is now a media sport without any form or substance, and Biden is the most mentally incompetent president since Woodrow Wilson had a stroke.
I discuss the speech on Episode 435 of The Brion McClanahan Show.